Despite their young age, these five beautiful female students already have experience limitless in terms of pleasure. Leah, Sophie aOO their girlfrieOOs in uniform will stop at nothing when it comes to sex. They use all their charms to seduce older men crossing their path aOO inteOO to practice what they have learned throughout the year at the school, especially to reach orgasm ... No one can resist them, not even their stern supervisor, Mr Richard. One has only to see how easy it yields to their advances as he has just surprise them in full riot of Sapphic pleasures in their dormitory. How to say no to young women as beautiful aOO burning desire? While Lea develop effective schemes to join her lover in hiding in the woods aOO afford entirely to him through exciting sex games, Sophie aOO Anna have other things in miOO. With these three manly camping holiday near the boarding school, they will enjoy several times with wild sodomy aOO double penetrations scarcely credible. They thus leave their most lasting vacation memories.
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